- All ActivityPublished 02/11/2025 by Jeff Corrion
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Flint Hamady 2026 SF Jordan McClain (11 pts) full game highlights vs. Goodrich
Published 02/11/2025 by Jeff Corrion
University of Toledo
Detroit Mercy
Oakland University
Saginaw Valley State University
What separates me from other athletes is my attention to detail, defending, effort and my willingness to learn on a daily, with good on floor communication with my teammates.
I want to take our team to the ultimate goal which is a state title and be able to play at the breslin center, I believe the group of guys we have our chances are better than good to achieve that goal. I would like to be know as one of the best rebounders in the state and defenders by the end of this year and so forth. I would love to hit that 1,000 point mark by the end of my senior season also and be prepared as much as possible for a college career.
Potentially playing basketball in college is a goal of mine and it would be absolutely amazing if I have the chance to get a free education and potentially play for a basketball program where I can succeed at, get better physically and then prepare myself mentally for my later year in adulthood. I would want a coach to know theyre getting an athlete who is committed to getting better, making my teammates better and wants to win! I will not take anything for granted or jeapordize in any way my future with the team and school. On a daily you will get a workhorse who is very coachable and talented.
As a sophomore I made honorable mention with limited minutes on floor and this year as a junior I will be all conference and lead my conference and rebounding and possibly points. I will work hard to make all state honors.
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